Sunday, March 9, 2008


I can't believe it was 4 days ago that I was writing my ode to spring. I think the Lord was giving me a few beautiful days to refill my tank in order to persevere through this weekend! Who knew that a record breaking snow fall was coming? I don't think I've ever seen so much snow in my life. Although Logan and I weren't set on moving to Bermuda, I must admit that it sounds pretty awesome right about now! I'm posting some pictures of the family playing in the winter wonderland!

Caroline had alot of fun experimenting with the snow. Right after I gave her to Asa, he promptly put her belly-down into the snow! She didn't quite know what to think about that!

We tried unsuccessfully to sled. The snow was so deep that we just sank down and weren't able to go anywhere!

Logan and our neighbor Mike were able to get out to the grocery store after the snow stopped. They said the aisles were bare of the essentials. But Logan was able to find some Cadbury eggs, so all was not lost! And we were able to get to church today . . . although I must admit the temptation of slippery roads and time change was pretty strong! It's about 40 degrees and the snow is slowely melting, and it's so beautiful having the sun glint off the snow and seeing the drips everywhere like a thousand glistening crystals!

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