Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Things They Say!

I just wanted to share something Asa said to me the other day! I have been pretty sick for about a week with a head and chest cold that I just can't kick. (I remember being a kid and feeling very helpless and confused whenever my parents were sick, and I can see those same feelings reflected in my kid's eyes.) Well, my cough progressed enough that I needed to go to the doctor and I took Asa with me. We went to Kroger afterward to get my prescriptions filled. As I'm waiting at the counter, Asa is browsing the shelves looking at all the medicines, bottles and pills. He walks up to me after a pretty bad coughing spell and says very seriously and a little put out, "Well Mom, I guess we can thank Satan for all this!" It was hysterical. (Of course, we had to talk about the responsibility that Adam and Eve carried in the fall, and how we can't blame only Satan for all the sin and pain in our hearts and in the world) He's such a character. I love the things my kids say as they get older and start making connections and figuring out the world!

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