Wednesday, March 5, 2008


When Logan and I first moved to Louisville, it was in the middle of dreary winter. The weather in Charleston the week before we moved was 89 degrees and we have a picture of newborn Asa at the beach! Kentucky seemed a million miles away from everything pleasant. But. . . then spring came, and I can still remember the awe I felt at how beautiful it is here in spring. Charleston is beautiful when the azaleas are blooming, but I have never seen so much color as in Louisville in the spring. Kentucky is called the Bluegrass State for a reason. All this to say, I now love spring (even though we live in the Ohio River Valley and the notorious allergy capital of the universe.), and there is nothing more wonderful than the first spring-like days after many weeks crammed into an apartment with 3 kids!

We first felt the wonder of the days on the way home from church on Sunday when the kids begged to put back the sunroof. It was 65 degrees with a light breeze - Heaven!! Asa spent some time riding his bicycle (which he taught himself to ride after getting tired of waiting for Mom and Dad to teach him!) As a side note, Maddie learned to bowl this weekend. She went to a birthday party at a bowling alley, and although there are now some dents in the lane that weren't there before, she got the hang of it and was thrilled when she knocked down some pins! We played outside until the sun went down and spent time visiting with neighbors that we haven't seen much of over the winter.

After hearing the rainy weather forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday, I decided to head to the zoo for some time in the sun on Monday. We went with my neighbor Marcy and her son Zane. We had such a great time and the kids were thrilled to run and play and be loud as much as they wanted. The highlight of the day was lunchtime. We chose a place where the wild ducks and geese hang out, so Maddie and Asa spent the time feeding the geese their lunch. It was so fun and such a great time to enjoy the beautiful day! Caroline had never seen a real-life duck/goose (what's the difference when you're 1) before. She's only seen them in pictures, and she was SO excited to see them swimming around. She started yelling "Du, Du, Du" and laughing! All the other animals weren't of much interest to her yet, but she loved the ducks! As we were driving home it started to rain, so we planned the trip perfectly!

Asa and Maddie posing in their distinctive ways!

Asa loved feeding the geese. You can see in the background how the other people eating in the area felt about having the geese wandering around.

Maddie was more interested in the geese eating her lunch than in eating it herself!

Caroline was so glad to get out of her stroller and stretch her legs a bit!

Zane and Caroline watching the ducks as Maddie feeds them!

Zane and Caroline enjoying the day!

This one is just for fun! This is an example of what happens to a youngest child when they are at the mercy of their siblings!

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