Tuesday, February 12, 2008


A popular question for us lately has been, "What's going on with the ministry?" Are we moving to Bermuda, are we staying here, what are we doing? I wanted to use this blog as an opportunity to update everyone.

Basically, we have no idea what the Lord is doing or going to do with our lives. We are still in the 2 bedroom apartment, because everytime we try to move, something comes up to prevent us moving. But the Lord is abounding in grace to us. We are content (most days) and peaceful living here until he "allows" us to move. We have had 2 churches where Logan has candidated for positions, and in both cases, although they didn't work out and that was painful, the Lord grew our faith and our dependence on him, and for that we are thankful. Looking back on both situations we see how we have grown and changed through the process. Also, they both gave us a clarity in what to look for in the future as possible pitfalls and cautions in ministry positions. We have learned not to presume that the Lord is doing a certain thing because his path for us is not always the obvious one or the smooth and easy one. Basically, we've grown up alot!

Although we try to minimize any hope about future positions that we hear about (who wouldn't get excited about moving to Bermuda??), we are getting really excited about an opportunity that has come up in Boone, NC. Although it's early to say too much, Logan has had a really encouraging first phone interview and we're (gasp!) hopeful! Our first friends when we moved to Louisville (the Burnses) are serving at this church and feel that we would be a good fit for the children and families pastorate opening. Please be praying about this. We truly desire to be serving the Lord full-time, but we are trying to stay open to whatever his plan is for us. He has made his path completely obvious to us with every church we've interviewed with, and our prayer is that he will continue to do so. We'll keep everyone updated. And certain people (you know who you are) had better stop praying against every position that comes up!! :)

1 comment:

Scott said...


We miss you guys. Last night I was praying specifically about your future. (meaning that I was praying that God would let you move here) McKenzie asked on Sunday, "is it ok to keep praying for the same thing?" My answer - I sure hope so!! (Acutally it was more like, sometimes it is fine, other times he has already given us an answer and we need to be content with that) I love seeing the pics!