Friday, February 8, 2008


As many of you know, in November Logan and I took a trip to Bermuda to check out a church there. We (Logan, Caroline and I - the older kids stayed with my parents) had a wonderful 9 days of relaxation, fellowship and awe at the wonders and beauty of God's creation. Our first sights when getting there were of the incredibly blue ocean and bright colorful houses with white roofs. The roofs were painted that way because their water supply was from the rain - off the roofs into underground storage tanks. Logan and I were very careful to inspect someone's roof before accepting a glass of tap water. The pastor thought I was entertaining as I marvelled at the beautiful plants and flowers growing everywhere, wild aloe plants as big as a house, banana trees (who knew they didn't come from Kroger?), and chickens and cats running wild everywhere. When we arrived at our room, we discovered a house owned by a Christian couple with the downstairs room converted into "hotel" rooms. Our room was located on the backside of the house, overlooking a cliff with a panoramic view of the ocean. Sublime! Everyone was concerned that we would be cold in their 70 degree weather, but we'd just left the 30s, so we assured them that we would be just fine!

I can honestly say that I have never met nicer people in all my life. The church there was so full of joy, and the fellowship was amazing. They cared for us and loved us as their own even though they didn't know the purpose of our trip. We had so many wonderful experiences (bike tour of the country, the beach, eating in peoples homes, church meetings, shopping, a hair-raising trip on a ferry through a hurricane (ok, it was a mist and some wind, but it was SCARY!) We will never forget our experience there and praise God for the opportunity to be encouraged by a wonderful body of believers. Please be praying for the church there. They are experiencing many trials as the elders try to determine the future direction of the church. Although we are not going to minister with these people, we love them and pray for them often. I thought I would post some of the pictures for you to enjoy. This picture is of Logan, Pastor Troy and Caroline.

The view from our front yard right after a storm.

Caroline had no idea the danger she was in on this ferry that we were promised would be "as smooth as glass". "You won't feel a thing," they said. Huh! Notice the dark clouds looming on the horizon!

"The official tip of the Bermuda Triangle" - we barely escaped with our lives!
My attempt at a postcard cover


Heather said...

Beautiful pictures...I wanna go!

Margie Briggs said...

pretty much, I do.

I just figured that since I'm probably going to a Latin school, i should do something mature like starting a blog ;)

you know?