Unfortunately, the Preston family was struck by the plague this weekend as well. Asa started having stomach "issues" Friday night and shared his problems with Caroline. We couldn't figure out why she wasn't interested in her birthday dinner. And we were especially confused by her lack of excitement about her cake. Well. . . about 2 hours later we found out why she wasn't interested. The poor girl couldn't keep anything down and finished the night by falling asleep in my arms. Some Birthday! She is happier now and had her 1 year visit to the doctor today (she got 3 shots - she's going to think that being 1 is the pits!) She is over 20 pounds which means her car seat can turn around, so she can now see where she's going instead of where she's been. She is enjoying her birthday presents so much more now than she did on Sunday! And we were happy to attend church service tonight for the first time in 3 weeks. Our kids are very generous . . when one gets sick they happily share it among themselves!! Here are some pictures of Caroline's birthday! Hope you enjoy!
We didn't know at the time that she was sick, so we couldn't figure out why she was screaming so bad. We had to sing "Happy Birthday" twice so she could hear us.
"HMMM...maybe I can be convinced to try the cake."
What good 1st birthday celebration doesn't end up with a bath? Of course, this was bath #1 out of 3 since she threw up all over herself after this, and then pooped in the bathtub during bath #2!